It has been a while since my last post. After it I got very busy because I was changing jobs and had to travel just after I started the new job, but then I totally forgot :P. Today I thought I should change that and just go ahead and post.

So to do a quick resume, as I was saying, nine months ago I got a new job, working in a completely different area (but not totally unrelated) of what I have always worked before. For the past 10 years I had worked in software development and on the last years on IT Consultancy with some big enterprises products. Now I have gone to work with a CDN company that offers delivery services for static content, delivery of live and on demand streaming and a lot of security services within their CDN. Actually it’s pretty cool, and it’s not as demanding as my previous job which means more spare time to work on Mageia Linux and other stuff.

I also started to contribute more and more with Mageia Linux (and sadly less with Mandriva, but I suppose that’s the natural course of things after all that happened with them last year, and the new direction that they’re taking). Leaving aside the packages I maintain, I’m in the mentoring program, mentoring four (and soon five) packagers from the blogdrake spanish community. They have a huge 3rd-party repository for Mandriva and Mageia, but many of their packages don’t exist in Mageia and it would be better if they were. So, we have been working with them in fixing their packages to get them to the point of being of enough quality to be imported into our official Mageia repositories. So far we have fixed and imported around 20 of them and we still continue working on others. The list of packages that still need to be reviewed and imported is pretty big and can be found here (the list is not always up-to-date and could be organized better but it’s a start) if someone else wants to help us in getting them available for all the Mageia community 😀

Well, that’s all for now, I will try to start posting more frequently about what I’m working on as I did before on planet mdv, there’s some stuff I have been working on lately and deserve a post 🙂