On February 24th OTRS AG announced they would be discontinuing the OTRS (( Community Edition )) until further notice. This means no more security or bug fixes from that day onward. OTRS 7 (( Community Edition )) was supposed to be released around December 2020 which never happened. But this really did not came as a surprise to the community, the lack of information from OTRS AG surrounding this topic has been notorious since a long time. Also, they clearly have been changing their business model to one were open source does interest them any more.
But fear not ! this does not mean by any way that OTRS (( Community Edition )) has come to an end, and users have been abandoned and need to look for an alternative. Znuny, a company founded by some early OTRS AG employees which has been providing consulting services for OTRS customers for a long time and runs the OTRS community forum has decided to continue with its development. They now provide a LTS version (Long Term Support) were they releaases will continue to include security and bug fixes. More information about this can be found here.
Because of all of this from now on we have switched our docker image to the Znuny release of OTRS ((Community Edition)). Actually, there has been a beta image for Znuny 6.0.33 for some weeks now in juanluisbaptiste/znuny that we have been testing with no issues nor adjustments needed to be done to an existing OTRS install. Migration from OTRS to Znuny should be transparent, just use an image tagged with a version >= 6.0.33, or use the latest tag and then restart your OTRS container.
If you want, you can follow the discussion about the migration process, report any issues you find or do any suggestion, you can do it on this issue.
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